Sober October: 5 Tips to Make it Through

by Upside Drinks


Sober October is more than just a break from alcohol—it's a chance to hit reset, recharge, and rediscover parts of yourself that might get overlooked in the daily hustle. Whether you're committing to it for health reasons, mindfulness, or just to see if you can, getting through 31 alcohol-free days can be a refreshing experience.

But let’s be real—making it through Sober October isn’t always easy. Social gatherings, habits, and that Friday night drink can feel hard to resist. That’s why I’m sharing five simple, yet effective tips to help you not only survive but thrive during Sober October. Let’s make this month one for the books!

1. Set Your Why—and Keep It in Sight

Before you dive into Sober October, it’s important to take a moment to define why you’re doing this in the first place. Is it to improve your health, sleep better, cut down on alcohol long-term, or simply to challenge yourself? Whatever your reason is, make sure it’s crystal clear.

Why this matters: Having a strong "why" will help keep you grounded when temptation creeps in. Write it down, make it a phone wallpaper, or stick a post-it note on your fridge. Remind yourself of it often.

Pro Tip: Break your goal down into smaller weekly wins. Instead of thinking, “I need to stay sober for 31 days,” focus on making it through the next seven. It’s a lot more manageable and helps you stay motivated week by week.

2. Plan Your Social Life Around It

One of the biggest hurdles in Sober October is navigating social settings where alcohol is the norm. This doesn’t mean you have to be a recluse all month. It just requires a little bit of strategy.

Here’s how to make it work:

  • Be upfront: If you’re heading out to a party or dinner, let people know ahead of time that you’re doing Sober October. This way, there’s less pressure to drink, and your friends might even be supportive or join you!
  • Host your own get-togethers: Instead of skipping out on socializing, why not take control and host your own alcohol-free hangouts? Mocktail nights, board game parties, or even a fitness class with friends can be fun alternatives.
  • Find sober-friendly spots: Check out local bars or restaurants with good non-alcoholic options. The rise of alcohol-free drinks means there are plenty of great choices out there. Whether it’s alcohol-free beer, zero-proof cocktails, or even a fresh juice, you can still enjoy a drink without the buzz.

Pro Tip: Always have a drink in hand—whether it’s a mocktail, a non-alcoholic beer or a sparkling water. People are less likely to offer you alcohol if you’re already holding something.

3. Stay Active and Busy

Idle time can lead to thoughts of drinking, especially if you associate relaxing with a glass of wine or a cold beer. The best way to push past that is to stay active and keep your mind busy.

Some ideas to stay on track:

  • Exercise: Use Sober October as an excuse to move more. Whether it’s daily walks, yoga, or hitting the gym, exercise releases endorphins (the feel-good hormones) and can give you the mood boost you might be missing from alcohol.
  • Hobbies: Is there something you’ve been meaning to try or get back into? Whether it’s cooking, painting, or learning a new instrument, now is the time! Filling your schedule with enjoyable activities keeps your mind focused on positive things.
  • Challenge yourself: Maybe it’s reading a certain number of books this month, completing a fitness challenge, or finally organizing that cluttered closet. Set a non-drinking-related goal for Sober October, and let the sense of accomplishment carry you through.

Pro Tip: Join our Facebook Upside Community online for shared support. There’s something powerful about connecting with others going through the same thing.

4. Embrace Non-Alcoholic Drinks

If you’re someone who enjoys the ritual of a nightly drink, swapping your usual glass of wine or beer for non-alcoholic options can be a game-changer. These alternatives have come a long way recently, offering flavors and complexity that might surprise you.

  • Explore non-alcoholic alternatives: There are countless brands offering great alcohol-free options. If you're already familiar with a brand, trying their non-alcoholic version is a great first step. Many of them aim to capture the same flavors you love.
  • Consult our specialists: Not sure where to begin? Our team of specialists is here to guide you and provide personalized recommendations based on your preferences.

Pro Tip: You might just discover a new favorite drink that stays with you well beyond Sober October!

5. Celebrate Your Wins

Each day you stay alcohol-free is a win, so don’t wait until the end of the month to give yourself a pat on the back. Celebrate your success along the way! Reflect on the benefits you’re feeling—whether that’s better sleep, more energy, or even just a clearer head. These small rewards add up.

Here’s how to stay motivated:

  • Track your progress: Use an app or journal to log how you’re feeling each day. Seeing the cumulative effect of 31 alcohol-free days is rewarding.
  • Reward yourself: You’re saving money on drinks, so why not treat yourself? It doesn’t have to be expensive—maybe it’s a new book, a dinner out (without drinks, of course!), or a cozy night in with your favorite movie.
  • Visualize the finish line: Think about how amazing it’ll feel to complete Sober October. You’re proving to yourself that you can commit to something challenging, and that’s no small feat.

Pro Tip: Get friends or family involved in celebrating with you. They can help keep you accountable, and it feels even better to share your success with others.

Final Thoughts

Sober October isn’t just about giving up alcohol—it’s about gaining a fresh perspective. You’ll likely notice improved sleep, better focus, and maybe even a new sense of control over your habits. By following these five tips, you’ll set yourself up for a successful (and enjoyable!) month without alcohol. And who knows? You might just find that some of these positive changes stick with you long after October ends.

So, cheers to a refreshing reset this Sober October! 🥂

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